Curly Hair Artistry Celebrations


Good day everyone.

1 - I wanted to celebrate a new curly hair specialist in Azerbaijan who is the FIRST curly hair specialist in her country! Congratulations to Aysel Jamalzad  (click for Instagram profile) who completed all of the requirements of Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program to be listed on our Stylist Locator. The work of Cubist Curl Cutting and guiding her clients with The MAP Method shows in all she is doing in her recent work.

2 - I also wanted to share a celebration of a recent transformation from Curly Hair Artistry specialist Bobbie Hall (Facebook link) in Texas (Stylist Locator)  - in her own words, "I must tell you about this sweet soul. We met in passing when I couldn't help but stop them to compliment the curls! I was shocked when they actually reached out a few months later. She's about to start hybrid high school and really wanted to get her hair looking right before her first day. She saved her own earnings to pay for the...

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