Curly Hair Artistry Celebrations


Good day everyone.

1 - I wanted to celebrate a new curly hair specialist in Azerbaijan who is the FIRST curly hair specialist in her country! Congratulations to Aysel Jamalzad  (click for Instagram profile) who completed all of the requirements of Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program to be listed on our Stylist Locator. The work of Cubist Curl Cutting and guiding her clients with The MAP Method shows in all she is doing in her recent work.

2 - I also wanted to share a celebration of a recent transformation from Curly Hair Artistry specialist Bobbie Hall (Facebook link) in Texas (Stylist Locator)  - in her own words, "I must tell you about this sweet soul. We met in passing when I couldn't help but stop them to compliment the curls! I was shocked when they actually reached out a few months later. She's about to start hybrid high school and really wanted to get her hair looking right before her first day. She saved her own earnings to pay for the appointment! I never expected that a MAPing lesson and Cubist cut transformation would bring tears to my eyes."

Stories like this warm our soul - a future of not wanting to 'fix' her hair = but one of knowing how to EMBRACE her God-given hair.
What is also amazing is that Bobbie learned how to teach her client how to do this by herself at home by GUIDING her through the process instead of the stylist doing it - this is unique with the training of Curly Hair Artistry. 

3 - This recent blog/article helps you choose products (and a few tools) to get you started in your journey or if you sense you are stuck and need a few options for your wavy/curly hair - if you read this article you will also get a sense of the vision of CHA with this is not just about is about life. Check it out HERE - this has already been helping out many to find what is MOST recommended in our circles and what works best (we know there are hundreds of products but we kept the list simple and will update as needed) - share that blog with others that ask you about your hair and what you use and for others that need help with what products to recommend to make their own hair beautiful. 
Please remember this: It is not what you use but how you use it and of course we recommend Cultivate Your Curls as the leader in teaching the world with how to do your own hair at home. 

4 - The upcoming training in Maine will in October - I will be sending out the itinerary and 'What To Bring" soon for those that signed up and paid for the class. 

Finally - thank you to all of the hairstylists, clients and enthusiasts that share the love and passion for what we do to serve others with classes, products, trainings and mentoring that changes peoples lives. 
We need more of this as there are MILLIONS of other people that do not know this world exists - so please continue to share the vision. 

Curly Hair Artistry is non-brand based and is not paid or endorsed by any manufacture or brand and it is for this exact reason that people trust us. Any links that have products are affiliate links to Amazon and do not raise your price but gives affiliates a small percentage and this again supports us to provide you with information that is similar to Consumer Reports. 

For now, 
Curly Hair Artistry 
Scott Musgrave: Founder 

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