I hope this article inspires you in the progress of your vision, habits and goals - but first we need to focus on what is important - and that is establishing VALUES. For my new vision - I had to create new values (not goals or habits as they are the potential end result that may or may not happen but values are the strongest factor in the process of transformation) - so, I created values of who I wanted to be with the desire to live them out no matter what. Living with values of who you are not currently living from will create discomfort or uncertainty - these unfamiliar values form of positive energy that can be misinterpreted as 'negative' and they need to be expressed and released vs suppressed and held onto. This ‘energy’ has to be released with exercise, mediation and writing or creating. These actions lead to habits of who you are not yet and this is why it is huge to create values more so than goals... |