Weekly Product Recommendations Video

Good day everyone!

Check out this weeks product recommendations update with a short video that reveals to you what is recommended with an amazing spray bottle, clips, tools and other items our community finds to be of value that will save you time, energy and money in searching for things to assist you on embracing your hair. 

Link to all of the recommended products and resources is HERE

Here is the link to access these products: Brush HERE / Clips HERE / Spray Bottle HERE / Malibu Packets HERE / Hair Coils HERE (Please support these links as I hold off on getting products in my salon at this time) THANK YOU! 

As mentioned in the video I have a YouTube tutorial about the spray bottle HERE

Information about Cultivate Your Curls with The MAP Method is HERE

Have a great week! 

For now, 
Curly Hair Artistry

Scott Musgrave : Founder of Curly Hair Artistry 


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New Opportunities - Learning with Curly Hair Artistry


Good day everyone, 

There is some new options we are offering so read this blog carefully to see how we can serve you best:

1) Portland Oregon - West Coast Symposium is SOLD OUT = we are so excited for this event - thank you all for trusting CHA with your Advanced Education. 

2) Spring Symposium is coming up for March 21-23 and we are excited to teach and share to help you build your brand and business as a Curly Hair Artistry Specialist - more info isHERE. We are offering a fantastic experience that is unlike any other with a focus on Wavy Hair - as hairstylists have said that this hair type is the most difficult to work with for cutting and product application AND styling, so - we are known to be THE BEST for training stylists on how to work with wavy hair. 

3) Portland MAINE is filling up quickly and the dates are July 25 - 27 with more informationHERE

Did you know that we provide you lunch during our trainings! We get so busy and...

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Meet some of our friends to see how they are changing the world.

Good day everyone! 

Working with people day in and day out we discover many fascinating things that people are doing in their profession. Their passion for what they do is contagious and exciting! 

When you start hearing stories of how people are transformed by what they are doing - it is something we want to share with the world of how they are contributing to making a difference in their region of the globe.  

First mention is Colie Taico (click name for info). She is a therapist and specializes in a couple of areas including helping women heal their relationship with food.

If you are in Cultivate Your Curls she is in the section of how to get multiple day hair (of which has helped many people to relearn how to work with day 2-3-4 hair).

Colie works with clients one on one and is taking her years of experience and is creating an online course that will reach others that can not sit with her privately.  Sign up HERE to get on her list. 

She is also on...

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What happens in a week or two with Curly Hair Artistry?

Good day everyone - what happens in about a week or two both in Curly Hair Artistry and also Cultivate Your Curls


Let us give you a peek....

Did you see Danielle's quick Facebook Live about expanding on something we address in the online course Cultivate Your Curls about Options & Possibilities (O&P)? 

It was powerful! 

We shared an article that went out on Instagram about Scott Musgrave: Founder of Curly Hair Artistry from a leading salon publication (Modern Salon) that quoted him and also got a reply back from a salon we did a Live Training at in Raleigh NC that is excelling in their region from what they learned - check out this quote:

While we were in Portland Maine a local YouTuber Pete Talbot did a chat with Scott and it went viral with a fun run of local scenery, food and light houses:

This was the mention in Modern Salon that was shared by Scott on Instagram @scottmusgravehair:

Take a peek at our CHA Live Education Team - well, its sideways AND...

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Subjective Experience vs Objective Truth.

As a teacher I am fascinated with how other teachers fill their students minds with the curriculum or area of interest and I realized that some teachers teach a perspective that they personally learned about - which is called a Subjective Experience but they are teaching it as an Objective Truth

When you experience something and it works for you and you share it as a way of working for everyone else - you are a bit misguided in how to instruct others. 

If you share your experience as 'truth' for others it can become confusing to many of your students as what you are teaching is not applicable to everyone but they feel as though they are out of your 'club' by not agreeing with it or it just does not work for them. I have heard that people in those circles are shamed or belittled by 'not trying hard enough' or 'not doing it right'. 

Instead of the teacher saying, 'This is not applicable to you." - their students are made to feel as though they are doing something...

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Passion & Sacrifice Leads To Success

Welcome to another update with Curly Hair Artistry,

We are so excited returning back from the recent 2019 Spring Symposium - check out this group photo:

I am always humbled that hairstylists sacrifice their time, energy and finances to attend a Curly Hair Artistry (CHA) Live Training. 

A young lady from Brazil - near the Amazon, a stylist from Ireland, a young man from UK and stylists from around the USA including Texas, Portland Oregon and more....all to advance their level of understanding in building their own brand as a curly hair specialist. 

The next training is in Maine - with information here as we still have a few spots open - click HERE

Another observation is meeting those of you who attend our trainings as a model for us to work on who are also in Cultivate Your Curls with The MAP Method and word is getting out of how you are able to show up at CHA based salon with your hair set with MAP and just get a cut only as your styling is spot on and just need...

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Learning about Self Care through Wavy & Curly Hair.

Good day everyone.

Just a note for you on what we are learning about taking care of yourself that goes along with caring for your wavy/curly hair. 

Self Care is so important. 

It is part of my own personal vocabulary to understand myself better as 'self care' was not really on my radar. Over time it just faded away and I was wondering why I wanted to check out or even just give up at times.

Maybe you can relate - or if you are on a path of self care now then reply back with how you are caring for yourself with tips that can be used in another blog for helping others in the near future. 

As a curly hair specialist - or as other people in service industries do with always putting other people above themselves - can lead to burn out or a sense of not caring anymore - it's so important to learn to step back and learn to find things to renew yourself so that you remain passionate to continue - not just for others- but for an invigorating LIFE. 

I learned to time block...

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Can Hair Be Extroverted or Introverted?

Good day everyone.

When people come into my studio or attend one of my live trainings they discover quickly that I am an introvert. 

Because I am found online, or that I have a social media presence, create videos or speak in front of others they think that I am an Extrovert. 

When I started my online presence I was behind the computer writing. I failed English twice and even went to Summer school to make sure I moved on to the next grade - so, for me to write and get found in searches for help is amazing in of itself. It proves that if I can risk putting myself out there with my failed background....so can you. 

What happened over time as people read my blogs and business Facebook page providing free content is that I was asked by other hairstylists to teach my methods to help them with their business and so I started what is now called Curly Hair Artistry. 

When I was building up to that first live training my stomach was in knots, my emotions were all over the...

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Curly Hair Artistry Live Training in Portland Maine is now OPEN!

Good day everyone! 

We are excited to bring Hairstylists the Portland Maine "EduVacation" - which is a great experience of learning from Curly Hair Artistry AND take some time to have a vacation in Portland Maine to experience the culture, people and the food....oh my - if you love Seafood as much as I do then you will be in Heaven. Portland was voted best restaurant city (link to article) of the year 2018.  

Hairstylists - check out the info for this training HERE - the class is limited to 8 but we can fit in 10 if needed. This training is more intense with a focus on specific content developed by Scott Musgrave with The MAP Method of product application. This alone is drawing attention in our industry for helping your clients to embrace their hair from around the world with the Cultivate Your Curls online course AND clients are looking for hairstylists that embrace this method.
We will also cover the Cubist Curl Cutting Techniques that you will work on live...

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Wavy Hair - Cultivate Your Curls

There was a great question that popped up in our Cultivate Your Curls private Facebook community and wanted to share it with you for your consideration and learning of what is possible for your own wavy/curly hair. 

Celeste asked me a great question: 

Scott Musgrave I hope you are doing okay through Florence. I don't expect an answer right away, I'm not sure if you have power... Anyway, I've been curious about something. You mention that you can use the same 4 products one very client and have good results. I'm sure you also do this for yourself, and I'm wondering if the products ever stop working for you? Do you have to rotate any of them? It seems like I have great results with new products for a week or two and then it goes down hill. I detox and still have problems. I think it might be my protein/moisture balance. I could probably use a good non-protein filler. I just got LHDC for a non-protein conditioner. Curious on your thoughts? You mentioned we have similar hair...

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