Curly Hair Artistry October Update

Uncategorized Oct 08, 2024


Hello everyone, 

Curly Hair Artistry is cultivating a theme this year with many in our circles of "There is more to what we do than just hair" as a business we can participate in other things and also with what we talk about...we are more than what we do - we are beings that care and live life outside of consuming everything there is about hair. 
I am excited that many of you tell me that you used to spend so much time, energy, resources on YouTube, Instagram or other places - to finally embrace their hair - and move on to more important things in life....and look beautiful as you live life. 

To celebrate this progression - I offer some options that may inspire you with ideas: 

1 - Thursday October 10 is World Mental Health Day and I want to recommend a book that I have started and I wished I had read it years ago as just the first couple of chapters has impacted me and I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book by the end of the year. It is called The Happiness Trap (click link) and highly recommend reading it and talking it over with those you love or in your circles. 

2 - One thing I run into at parks, or on hikes or at events are people that carry a sketchbook, apen and a simple set up of watercolors - but really all you need is just a notebook and a pen to sketch with. The sketchbook recommended is great for multimedia of drawing or watercolor and it lays flat. The watercolor set includes a fine liner and also a water brush that holds water inside to activate the paint. 
I have found that if I wait in line at the doctors office, or get coffee (have an introverted art date/adventure), go to a park or just before going to bed for 15 minutes to just sit and de-zone from life and scribble or create something that is just for me. I don't plan on selling or framing it. And this is is a safe place for me to intentionally make mistakes so I can get better at is NOT about perfection. Most of my 'art' looks like a fifth grader did it and that is better than a few months ago! If you go online there is a HUGE community of people that just draw in sketchbooks. I would rather grow old learning about new art materials and skills than just sitting around doing puzzles (not that there is anything wrong with that). 

3 - I love to grill or cook in a cast iron skillet - and this seasoning is fantastic on just about any form of protein- check it out HERE
I have a Kudu Grill for years now and it is great for open fire cooking = best steak ever! I use real wood or lump coal and when we invite people over to cook with they are amazed at how this grill performs. 

4 - For those of you who workout and are looking for a electrolyte powder to add to your water - check these out as I sweat easy and a lot - and they also reduced my night cramps in my legs for when I sleep.

5 - For those of you that are new here and are looking for products that I recommend for your wavy/curly hair - check it out HERE

6 - We are on for the Maine 2024 Live Training coming up - I sent out a list of what to bring for participants - if you did not get that email me please reply back to this email and let me know. 

We look forward to the Fall season coming up - to get some fresh air, workout, do some cold training/plunges and sketch outside with the beautiful leaves changing and to make connections with new faces as we engage with each other living life as we are meant to. 

For now, 
Scott Musgrave - Founder of Curly Hair Artistry 

PS - From my own sketchbook recently - a fountain pen my wife gave me and some simple watercolor that combines words and images from my imagination. 
I would love to see yours as well! 

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